Wednesday, August 5, 2015

::Wordless Wednesday:: #MommaChallenge

My wordless Wednesday's are rarely wordless. I just have to have words! HA.HA. 

Last year I started a self-challenge, and then I had people following and asking me about it. I turned into not only a self-challenge but also a way of being accountable. I started a 30 days of Affirmations challenges after a talk with a life coach and a wonderful series of conferences in 2014.  You can see those posts ::HERE::

The challenge made a HUGE difference in all areas of my life. As a Wife, as a Momma, and as a Momma with a career. 

Last week I began a new journey so, I started that challenge again. As a way to remain focused and joyful! Then, this weekend, I went to a local conference. I will write about it more soon. During this conference we spoke abundantly about affirmations and it made me feel like I was on the right path once again. Today I share the challenge with you again. 

It's very simple {or so we think} for 30 days you write a love note to yourself, a happy, positive thought that will help you get through your day, through the next 2 hours or through the year.You post these notes in a place where you can read them everyday. If you post them on Instagram or Twitter make sure to tag us and hashtags us: @MommaofDos- Instagram & @MommaofdosTX- Twitter,  #MommaChallenge #MommaofDos #PressForwardGuerrera 

Last year I used sticky notes, this year I used a notebook cause it's easy to carry around.  

Hope you join us!!

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