Friday, March 27, 2015

::Cami:: 4 years of Blessings...

{Birthday Letters are kind of a big deal for us, you can read the yearly series ::HERE::}

When God blesses you, it's always to the fullest. Santiago was only 10 1/2 months when I found out I would be a Momma again. I cried, in fear. Another baby. I couldn't possibly do it. My plate was "so full" already. Months later we found out we were having a Girl. Oh boy. The tears were new. Happy. Blessed. Joyous. My heart was full now. Our family complete. Our lives made new. Never would I have thought that I would have the amazing little Princess Diva that runs our house today.

A letter to my daughter on what the last 4 years with her have been about and who she is today:

::Dear Camila::

Today you turn 4. You act like you are 13 year olds and talk for days. You love to dance. You make the silliest of faces. Your favorite things are dancing to Bruno Mars-Uptown Funk You Up and Maroon 5-Sugar; as well as making your brothers life impossible. It's good, keeps him on his toes. He is rough and you guys fight a lot but he loves you so much. And, you admire him. I pray this continues. 

When you throw fits {and oh my do you throw fits} he is the one that helps calm you. It works sometimes. He does his best. You love wearing makeup, dressing up and nail polish {lots and tons of nail polish, in every shade of pink}. You asked just this week if you can dye your hair pink. Don't know where you get all of this from but it makes for interesting days, and it keeps me on my toes. You are very girly. Very. 

You love dresses. But you also love dirt. You are super sweet, caring and sensitive. But, you can also be feisty and tough. You speak "Spanish" when you want {it's usually a cuss word or something you shouldn't be saying. Totally our fault.} and claim that your Brother is SO Mexican. Not sure what that makes you. 

You love everything Princess and you act like one too. You love your GranPa Chuy. You love your teacher and you even wear your sweater around your waist like her. It's hard to see you in pain or when you are sick, because you are so tiny. The last 4 years have flown by. You are no longer my chubby little baby, you are now my skinny long leg baby. 

You finally, yes barely {no judgement please}, moved on from your "titi" and are now a "big gurl" and drink from a Sippy. It took me a long time to allow you to let go. I had to. You look crazy with a bottle. 

You have the funnest dance moves, you care very little about what others may think of you and you are most definitely yourself. I don't ever want you to think that you can't be yourself. I want you to know that you should above all love who you were created to be. I want your confidence to grow, I want your little wings to give you the energy needed to be who ever you want to be. I want you to follow your dreams. Never allow others to tell you otherwise. Be yourself. 

You are stubborn. A lot. You want things done your way. You are competitive. And, you are outspoken and not shy. I don't want that to change. But, I do want you to use your personality for the better, for your own well-being and to become a strong, confident grown-up. 

The last 4 years have been a heart-filled life lesson and one of the biggest blessings God could give us . The light and colors that you bring into our lives shine brighter everyday. I pray that you continue to shine. That your smile grows and remains, that your heart is soft but your eyes wide open. Don't be naive to the world around you. You are smarter than that. Don't go with the flow just because, have a purpose and reason.  

Your laugh is contagious. You are our little baby no matter what. And, always will be. We love you. So much. Much more than you can ever imagine. I know that right now, you don't like that I have so many rules, that I am constantly watching what you do. Or, that I might push you to try even though you want to give up. You will thank me later in life. I hope. 

You are everything we could have ever wanted in a perfect little Princess baby. And so much more. 

God has filled our home with amazing love.  {You and your Brother are the life of this place..without you we would be nobody.}

Love you ALWAYS so much more, 

Your Momma

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