Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Be You-nique

En serio! BE YOU-NIQUE, y no mires hace atras! 

Once people get to know you, no hay vuelta atras; there is no fake, no lie and no recreating you. Just be you. Simple as that. Will everyone love you? Probably not. Will some people Love you? Claro que si! 

Never give up on who you are, evolve and grow but always be true to who you want to be, what you believe in and where you want to go. 

My children are being taught that life is about being real, being themselves and loving the toasty brown skin we were born with. We know we are Mexican's born in the "states of America" as my Santi would say. 

We never attempt to be anything other than who we are and we embrace life as it comes. 

What about you? Are you embracing who you are and loving the skin you were born with and in? 

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